Series V

Historical and Linguistic Writings

Edited by the Leibniz-Editionsstelle Potsdam of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities.


The Potsdam research unit has been entrusted with the preparation of the only series not yet begun, the "Linguistic and Historical Writings". The inception of this series will close the last remaining gap in the Academy Edition of all writings and letters of G. W. Leibniz.

In 1685, Leibniz accepted the charge of writing a history of the House of Guelph. Officially, the fulfilment of this duty would remain his primary activity to the end of his life. Besides the monumental Annales imperii occidentis Brunsvicenses (the unfinished capital work arising from this activity), Series V will embrace not only numerous large and small manuscript works on natural  history, prehistory, medieval history as well as the history of languages, but also preparatory writings (marginalia, excerpts and notes on several thousand pieces and scraps of paper), offering an unparalleled insight into the practice of early modern scholarship.

Series IV
Series VI